
Cellulite On Arms! Causes And Treatment

by Gorgeousgirl Staff, Updated February 21, 2023
Cellulite On Arms! Causes And Treatment

Dealing with pesky cellulite? If you’re embarrassed about those bumpy arms, you’re not alone! Cellulite is fairly common in people of all, big or small!

Here’s more information for you to learn what it is, what causes it, and what you can do about it, all in one article!


1. What Is Cellulite (Myths & Facts)


what is cellulite


Cellulite is a term used in the medical field referring to fat that causes the skin to have a dimpled appearance usually found on the buttocks, hips, abdomen, arms, and thighs.

It’s also informally known as cottage cheese skin, orange peel skin, the mattress phenomenon, or hail damage.

We all have different connective tissue structure under our skin. When these connective tissues are arranged in a certain way, the fat underneath it can stick out through gaps or form in pockets and cause lumps or bumps on the skin.

Here are some myths and facts about cellulite that you should know.

  • Fact: Cellulite is more common in women than in men.

Although cellulite can happen in both men and women, the ladies tend to carry more fatty tissues around their thighs and hips. There’s also a different distribution of connective tissues and muscles in their body.

David McDaniel of the Institute for Anti-aging and Eastern Virginia Medical School illustrates that men’s fat chambers are similar to the scaffoldings found on buildings, preventing cellulite, but 10% of them still suffer from it.

  • Myth: Cellulite is caused by a certain kind of fat.

Cellulite is just regular body fat that all people can have. The only thing that makes it different is its tendency to accumulate and form lumps under the skin, giving it a bumpy appearance much like that of cottage cheese.

  • Myth: Cellulite only appears in overweight people.

Although carrying a few extra pounds do make cellulite more obvious, it happens to men or women of all shapes and sizes.

You think more fat under the skin equals more pressure on connective tissues that leads to bumps? Wrong. Everyone who has even a little fat in the body can have cellulite.

In fact, according to Shira Ein-Dor, American Cellulite Reduction Center owner in New York, she’s had Victoria’s Secret models come to her for cellulite treatment.

More than 85% of women worldwide have cellulite at a point in life, usually after turning 35 years old. Teens and younger women also have it. So, it generally affects almost everyone.


2. What Causes Cellulite?


what causes cellulite


Cellulite can be caused by various reasons and contributing factors. Here are some of them.


  • Weight Gain And Loss

Cellulite appears due to the stretching of collagen fibers on the skin associated with weight gain. Collagen fibers, which link fat and skin together, may become less elastic because of this.

The connective tissue then becomes like an unevenly-gapped web. Some areas may be loose and some tightly stretched, so the fat globules and cells bulge out of the web, leading to an uneven texture.

Excess weight and fat also make cellulite more pronounced.

  • Smoking

Cigarette smoke reduces blood flow, weaken connective tissues, and disrupt collagen production. This allows the connective tissues to stretch more and become damaged easily, so the fat underneath shows up.

  • Your Genes

Genetic factors like your skin color, skin type, body type gender, and others affect your likelihood to get cellulite. It can therefore also be inherited from your parents or grandparents.

Your genes, however, only play a small part in causing cellulite. Other factors like your diet, lifestyle, and lack of exercise can also contribute.


  • Hormonal Issues And Age

Hormonal changes can also cause the weakening of connective tissues and alter the way fat is deposited in your body tissues.

As we get older, especially women, our body produces less estrogen, a hormone that maintains normal blood flow.

Because of reduced estrogen levels, poor circulation leads to connective tissue breakdown and low collagen production rate. This is why cellulite can become worse or more noticeable with old age.


3. Prevention Measures For Cellulite On Arms


preventive measures for cellulite


Although it is common, there are simple and easy ways to prevent and how to get rid of cellulite.
Examples of these are listed below:

  • Stay Hydrated

The majority of our body is made up of water, that’s why it’s very important to drink at least eight to ten glasses of water every day, or more if you exercise and sweat a lot.

This allows your organs to function optimally and leaves your skin looking great! Proper hydration strengthens your connective tissues, makes cellulite less noticeable and leaves your skin young-looking.

Drinking a glass of water at least half an hour before every meal will also help you differentiate hunger and thirst, which also helps you lose weight.

  • Eat a Well-Balanced Diet


balanced diet for cellulite control


Choose food that is nutrient rich, like vegetables, fruits, low fat or fat-free dairy, whole grain bread, and lean protein like skinless chicken breast, fish, or whey.

It is recommended by the US Department of Health and Human services to eat less than 400 calories of food per serving and less than 5% of fat for a healthy diet.

Smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day are also healthier. This will prevent you from overeating and experiencing hunger pain.

  • Sunscreen

Applying sunscreen is important in minimizing cellulite on your thighs and arms. According to the Women’s Health Magazine, ultraviolet rays from the sun can cause collagen damage, making cellulite more obvious.


4. Curative Measures For Cellulite On Arms.


curative measures for cellulite


If you’re already past the prevention path and still got cellulite, there are many treatment methods to try. Here are ways on how to treat cellulite.

  • Diet Change

Your diet also affects the frequency and appearance of cellulite. A diet that has low calorie, sodium, and fat content can help you lose excess fat and weight. This leads to the cellulite upper arms to begin disappearing.

  • Cardio


cellulite exercises


Fat and calorie burn through cardiovascular exercise helps reduce cellulite. Doing half an hour to an hour of cardio at least 5 days a week can also help in weight loss and firming up the skin.

Some forms of cardio that you might enjoy are aerobics, swimming, cycling, or running.

  • Strength Training

Unlike cardio, strength training not only helps in weight loss but also increases your body’s lean muscle mass. This is more effective in removing cellulite. Upper arms are specific areas where this work best.

Plus, it also allows you to target specific muscle groups.

  • Acupuncture


how to treat cellulite


Cellulite can be treated through many types of acupuncture, such as traditional acupuncture and those that use electronic stimulation.

This works by using needles to stimulate specific meridians on the body, varying among different genetics, sizes, and age of patients. Sometimes, needles are also inserted into the areas with cellulite.

Electronic stimulation sends small currents to the area where the needles are inserted, increasing blood circulation and detoxifying the cells. This improves cellular metabolism and nourishes the connective tissues, which help minimize or remove cellulite.

  • Skin Fillers

Skin fillers can help even out skin with cellulite, similar to removing wrinkles. The results are instant, but they only last for a few months, and the procedure is expensive.

  • Non-Invasive Medical Procedures


how to get rid of cellulite


These include radio frequency, massage techniques, and laser to temporarily reduce cellulite appearance. These work better than creams, but usually, require several sessions and are also expensive.

  • Over-The-Counter Creams And Topical Treatments

This below Creams are probably the cheapest and most accessible treatment for cellulite. There are many to choose from, but a great product is Beverly Hills MD Dermal Repair Complex, a skin firming and cellulite treatment cream.

Cellmaxa is clinically proven to reduce unwanted skin dimples and bulges on specific problem areas. It;s also easy to apply and absorbs quickly into the skin. It also nourishes the skin for moisture and improved texture.

Although a permanent treatment for cellulite is still yet to be discovered, many scientists and doctors are finding better, longer-lasting solutions. The recent most promising of these is Cellulaze, a procedure that uses a laser to melt fat and break down fibrous connective tissue to stimulate collagen formation. It costs several thousand dollars per leg but lasts for at most a couple of years.

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By Gorgeousgirl Staff

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