Under eye crepiness? Having it would be the death of most women. Having it is one of the signs that you do not have the fountain of youth and that you are starting to age. Because of this, you may surely be looking for ways on how to prevent or if you already have it, how to reduce its visibility at the very least. Well, we are here to help you out with this dilemma of yours!
If you wish to know how to keep under eye crepiness at bay and make your skin look young for as long as possible, keep on reading this article.
Causes of Under Eye Crepiness
Of course, we cannot discover how to get rid of under eye crepiness if we will not familiarize ourselves with its causes, right? With that in mind, what are the causes of under eye crepiness?
These are the following: making facial expressions like smiling, frowning, and squinting, environmental elements like sun exposure, dirt, and pollution, lifestyle factors like smoking, physiological factors like loss of elastic and collagen in the body due to aging.
How to Prevent Eye Crepiness
As they say, prevention is always better than cure so it is better and a lot easier that you find ways to prevent the formation of wrinkles instead of looking for ways on how to get rid of under eye crepiness.
As you can see, three out of the four factors that may cause eye wrinkles are controllable so this means that you have the opportunity to prevent eye crepiness. So, how would you do that? Take a look at these tips:

Keep skin moisturized
Without proper hydration, skin tends to be a bit dry which increases your risk of developing eye crepiness, especially in the under-eye area.

Get enough sleep
It is during your sleep that the body can repair the damage that it has experienced during the day. When you don’t get enough sleep, the cell turnover will be disrupted which can interfere with proper blood flow that can cause poor complexion of the skin.

Have a balanced diet
It is a must that you eat foods rich in antioxidants, like fruits and vegetables, as these substances can minimize cell damage and fight off signs of aging from the inside out.

Wear sun protection
The harmful UV rays of the sun can cause the skin to age prematurely, leading to the formation of sun spots and wrinkles. The key to protecting your skin from the sun is to re-apply sunscreen every two hours. You can also try a eye cream with spf from the sun protection.

Stop smoking
You already know that this vice will do you no good so do yourself and your skin a favor by stopping this bad habit of yours.
How to Reduce Crepiness Under Eye
If you already have under eye wrinkles, your next best choice is to find ways on how to get rid of it or for stubborn wrinkles, how to reduce its visibility. For this purpose, we recommend trying out these tips:

The process of exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells and the damaged layers of the skin, revealing a fresher and healthier looking skin with less visible wrinkles underneath. But since over-exfoliation can be damaging to the skin too, make sure to use a gentle exfoliant designed for the sensitive eye area.

Try a medical treatment
These days, advanced technology on how to >get rid of under eye crepiness is already available. Some of the standard treatments for wrinkles include microdermabrasion, dermal fillers, Botox injections, laser treatments and many more.

Have an eye massage
A simple eye massage can help stimulate blood flow to the affected area, making the skin flexible and elastic, diminishing the visibility of wrinkles.

Use natural oils
Sometimes, going back to nature is the best thing that you can do for your skin. When it comes to moisturizing the eye area, nothing beats natural oils like coconut oil, rose hip oil, jojoba oil, argan oil and many more.
Eye wrinkles are a nuisance—it can make you look old, ugly and feel less confident. If you have eye wrinkles, though, there is no need to fret! There are lots of things that you can to prevent and reduce the visibility of these signs of aging. Just simply follow the tips that we have mentioned above and rest assured—you can have your glowing youthful skin back in no time!