Mental illness is as undiscriminating as cancer and can strike any person regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or social class. With over 200 different diagnoses within the field of mental health, mental illness really knows no boundaries. Some of the most common mental health illnesses include depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and dementia. Because mental illness is so prevalent, there are many mental health myths that circulate that actually cause more damage to victims of mental illness by creating an environment of shame and embarrassment which ultimately inhibits the recovery process. Below are 11 mental health questions to consider. In order for victims of mental illness to begin a productive journey to better mental health, these mental health myths need to be debunked.
1. Myth Or Fact?
Depression Is Just a Bad Case Of The Blues. Everyone Gets Depressed Every Now And Then.
Depression is a clinical diagnosis of a mood disorder or stress. It is not simply a bout of sadness that a person will eventually “snap out of”. It is a persistent feeling of hopelessness and unworthiness that has a dramatic effect on the way a person functions in their daily activities.
2. Myth Or Fact?
People With Mental Illness Are Rare.
Almost 20% of Americans are diagnosed with some form of mental illness every year. That is nearly 1 out of every 5 people in the United States. While the mentally ill remain in the minority of the population, it is certainly not a rare occurrence.
3. Myth Or Fact?
People With Mental Illness Cannot Function Normally And Should Reside In Hospitals Or Institutions.
Many people with a mental health diagnosis can function normally when properly treated. Again, 20% of the American population struggles with some sort of mental illness. These people have jobs and families and regular lives. They just battle an illness like any other person who has been diagnosed with a physical condition.
4. Myth Or Fact?
Pills Will Fix It.
While psychotropic medications have been shown to be a very effective way of treating mental health conditions, they are only one method of available treatment. And they don’t always work as predicted. Simply taking a pill will not cure the underlying problem. The pills will make the symptoms more tolerable while other methods of treatment are being followed. Talk therapy or counseling, along with the many other alternative treatments available, is a very important piece of coping with mental illness.
5. Myth Or Fact?
Once You Have a Mental Health Illness, You Can Never Recover From It.
It has been stated within the mental health field that once a person is diagnosed, that diagnosis will remain with them for the rest of their lives. However, with a combination of proper treatment techniques, people with mental illness can recover and lead healthy and happy lives. While it is a fact that many may never experience a full recovery, it is possible to lead a functioning and rewarding life while maintaining strict adherence to a mental health treatment plan.
6. Myth Or Fact?
There Is a Magical Cure-All To Treat Any Mental Illness.
Every person with a mental health diagnosis will respond differently to various sorts of treatment plans. Each treatment plan will be unique to each individual. Treatment can include a combination of psychotropic medications and various types of therapies as well as alternative methods such as yoga, meditation, acupuncture, massage, nutrition and exercise.
7. Myth Or Fact?
People With Mental Illness Are Faking Just To Get Attention.
While this may be an idea that is easy to formulate in certain situations, even if it appears that a person is faking a mental illness, that itself is an underlying mental issue. A so-called “cry for attention” is a person who is really doing just that…crying for attention and seeking help. These “cries for attention” need to be listened to and taken seriously as they are highly indicative of a serious mental health condition.
8. Myth Or Fact?
Certain People Are More Prone To Mental Illness Than Others.
As stated above, mental illness is quite undiscriminating. However, it has been shown that both environmental as well as genetic issues do play a part in the state of a person’s mental health. A person may be genetically predisposed to a certain mental illness. However, environmental factors do play a huge role in whether a mental illness will actually manifest in a person’s lifetime.
9. Myth Or Fact?
People With Mental Illness Should Be Feared As Violent Individuals.
There is no set reason to fear a person with mental illness unless they are already prone to violence. Mental illness does not make a person violent, the violent tendency already existed. Violent people should be feared. However, most people with mental illness are more likely to harm themselves than they are to harm others.
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10. Myth Or Fact?
A Person Can Only Have One Mental Health Diagnosis In Their Lifetime.
Many symptoms of different mental health diagnoses overlap with each other. It is very common for an individual to be diagnosed with multiple mental health disorders. For example, substance abuse and addiction generally go hand in hand with multiple other mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.
11. Myth Or Fact?
Mental Illness Is Not Life-Threatening.
Mental illness is an extremely serious condition and often can result in death. Causes of death for mental health patients include suicide, drug or alcohol overdoses, or the result of the person’s own reckless behaviors. Suicide has been reported as the tenth leading cause of death in the United States proving that it is a very real concern in the population of mentally ill individuals.
If you or anyone you know is currently in crisis, please contact your local crisis intervention hotline or call 9-1-1.
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