
How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair: 7 Little Known Ways To Remove Them

by Gorgeousgirl Staff, Updated July 20, 2021
How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair: 7 Little Known Ways To Remove Them

Ingrown hairs are those small, itchy, painful, annoying bumps on your skin that appear soon after shaving or plucking the hair. And that’s not even the worst part! Trying to figure out how to get rid of ingrown hair for good can also prove to be difficult and tricky even though we try to shave as close and safe as possible.

An ingrown hair grows and gets trapped inside the hair follicle by curling or growing sideways. This is common in pubic hairs on the underarms and around the bikini area. Sometimes, these follicles get filled with dirt, oil, and pus resulting to inflamed pustules or papules.

The good news, however, is that there are many simple ways how to prevent ingrown hairs and treat them at home. Continue reading below for these treatment and prevention tips!

A.How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair In 7 Different Ways

ingrown hair

Removing or treating ingrown hairs due to abnormal hair growth can be done in various, easy ways with things you can usually find at home. While you could always have your ingrown hairs treated professionally, this still does not guarantee that they won’t come back. So, it’s important to understand the concept of each method and how it helps.

1. Use a Sharp, Sterile Device

Yes, you can pop an ingrown hair to extract the pus and pull the hair outward, but be sure to use clean, sharp tools. For this method, you can use a pair of tweezers with pointed tips, a rotable device, or a sterile needle soaked in rubbing alcohol. Dipping these in alcohol between every use prevents bacterial infection or irritation.

You may use warm compresses on the area to allow the pores to open and the hair to come to the surface of the skin. Try not to pluck the hair out completely or cut your skin as this could lead to another ingrown hair or more inflammation. Just let the ingrown hair’s tip to go out of the skin. Sometimes, a hair loops and close to the surface. You can pull through this loop to release the tip of the hair.

2. Use a Warm, Moist Compress

ingrown hair remedy

This is one of the easy ways on how to get rid of ingrown pubic hair. Dip a washcloth in hot water, wring it out, and apply it on the ingrown hair for about ten minutes. Repeat this when the wet washcloth starts to cool. This softens the skin and opens up the pores to allow the hairs to break through the skin easily. Leave the warm compress until the hair comes close to the surface. If you don’t see the hair coming out, try other methods or consult your dermatologist as the bump may be a completely different condition.

3. How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair Using a Dried Egg Membrane

This method works best if you have ingrown hair that’s close to the surface or with a tip that slightly protrudes outward. The membrane of an egg is the soft, fabric-like thing close to the shell. Remove this from a fresh egg and use it to cover the affected area. Allow it to dry. You will notice that the membrane will shrink and tighten around the area. Once completely dry, pull it off carefully. Ideally, the ingrown hair should come off with the membrane.

4. How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair By Applying Ingrown Hair Treatment Products

Treatment for removing ingrown hair permanently

There are now many available products containing ingredients that calm, soothe, and soften the skin to prevent or treat ingrown hairs. Some of these are recommended to be used before shaving, plucking, waxing, or using depilatories. Some are meant to be applied after hair removal.

5. Use Topical Benzoyl Peroxide Cream

Next on how to get rid of ingrown hair, you can also apply over the counter acne medication. Most of these products contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid.

Acne bumps are similar to ingrown hairs, especially the kind with pus. Salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide works great in exfoliating the skin surface. These help reduce inflammation and swelling, remove the ingrown hair, or give the hair an opening or enough room to grow out. You can also try aspirin or a small amount of toothpaste.


6. Use a Warm Milk And Bread Compress

Face Masks For Ingrown hairs

Warm up some milk in the microwave or over the stove, but do not let it boil or become too hot to handle. Dip a piece of bread into the warm milk and place this in the problem area for about two minutes until it has cooled down. Repeat and hold the bread for about ten minutes. Afterwards, check if the pore or pores have opened up. If so, you can then use a sharp, sterile needle to free the hair.

7. Mechanical Exfoliation

Of course, most of us want to remove ingrown hair before it becomes large and painful. To do this, use natural exfoliant scrubs to gently exfoliate the area with a smooth, circular motion twice a day. You can also use an ingrown hairbrush or an exfoliating glove. This reduces inflammation and removes dead skin cells, dirt or oil that could be trapping the hair and may also lead to pus formation. This can physically allow the tip of the ingrown hair to come out.

You Can Use The Following As Exfoliants:

  • A mixture of raw honey, baking soda, and nutmeg powder.
  • Olive oil and granulated sugar.
  • Salt scrubs.
  • Baking soda and water.


B) Other Tips On How To Prevent And How To Get Rid Of Ingrown Hair:

The following tips may help with your ingrown hair problems and aid you in achieving the best results:

  • Do not exfoliate or try to remove an ingrown hair under a scab. Consult your doctor first.
  • Apply tea tree oil diluted with some water with a cotton ball to kill bacteria and ease swelling.
  • After the removal of ingrown hair, wash the skin with warm water and a mild, moisturizing soap. Antiseptics will also help prevent infections.
  • Avoid wearing clothes that are tight on the area with ingrown hair.
  • Prevent ingrown hairs by applying a topical solution every day.

How to prevent ingrown hairs after waxing

  • Talk to your dermatologist about ingrown hairs that are deep underneath the skin.
  • Use a cold compress or an aftershave treatment to reduce inflammation and speed up the healing process.
  • Soften or condition the skin before plucking or shaving to reduce bumps, ingrown hair, inflammation, and scarring.
  • Use glycolic acid or salicylic acid to exfoliate the skin and keep the hair follicles open and prevent ingrown hair. However, do not use these on the skin with ingrown hair already as they can cause irritation.

how to get rid of an ingrown hair cyst

  • Wondering how to get rid of an ingrown hair cyst? Simply use sharp razors, a shave cream or gel, and warm (not hot or cold) water when shaving.
  • Avoid over-waxing.
  • Moisturize the skin after every hair removal session.

While ingrown hair is usually an inevitable beauty crisis especially for people with thick, coarse, curly hair, there are many treatments and easy ways to prevent them. They are also safe, affordable, and generally painless. Follow these methods and tips to maintain smooth, hair-free, and bump-free skin!

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By Gorgeousgirl Staff

At GorgeousGirl, our staff is a collection of highly skilled cosmetologists, estheticians, and higher education professionals. Our personnel works together to satisfy your fancies.