Are you suffering from acne? Don’t worry! You are not the only one! In fact, the majority of women (especially those who are in their teenage years) also have the same problem as you. But we understand that knowing that there are many people out there who share the same dilemma as you will not make you feel better. What would make you feel good about yourself is to find a way on how to get rid of acne.
When you go online and search the net for solutions, you will surely find one! In fact, you can find thousands of acne treatments in the market today. But the catch? Not all of it works. In fact, many of them would even aggravate your current acne situation.
So what’s a lady in distress like you go to do in these tough times? Research! And we are here to help you do that! In fact, we have plenty of acne tips below including ways to get rid of acne and how to conceal it!
How To Prevent Acne (Or Get Rid Of It!)
If you do not have acne, good job! You are certainly one blessed woman. However, you still need to minimize your chances of having acne in the future, and we have a few tips on how you can do that below. In the event that you are currently dealing with acne, there are tried and tested ways on how to get rid of pimples. Here are some of them:
1. Use The Right Acne Treatment
One of the best ways to deal with Drmtlgy is an acne treatment to use anti-acne topical products. But with all the acne products that are available in the market today, you need to be careful in choosing one. When looking for one, make sure that you check out the ingredients label. A good anti-acne product salicylic acid, zinc oxide, and colloidal sulfur. All of these ingredients work hand in hand not just in getting rid of acne but also in nourishing and keeping skin healthy and young.
2. Clean Up With a Facial Brush
Acne is usually caused by dirt and other impurities that have clogged the pores of our skin. That is why one of the best ways to prevent acne formation is to clean your skin properly, and you can efficiently do that with the use of a facial brush.
Today, there are handheld facial brushes that can remove grease from the skin, ensuring that there will be little to no amount of oil will be left behind in the skin. Because of this, the formation of acne is prevented.
3. Use An Oil-Free Sunscreen
We know that sun protection should always be a top priority when it comes to skin care so you should always apply sunscreen but be careful in choosing one because a sunscreen that contains oil may further clog the pores, aggravating your acne situation. That’s why it is important that you opt for oil-free sunscreen if you have acne.
4. Use a Hydrocortisone Cream In Dealing With a Bright Red Blemish
In the event that your blemishes have a noticeable bright red color, the go-to product that you should use is a hydrocortisone cream. This is because this ingredient has an anti-inflammatory property which is useful in alleviating the redness and swelling of your pimples.
But be aware of the fact that hydroquinone may come with a few side effects like skin irritation and allergic reactions. If you feel any of those after using this cream, discontinue its use right away and consult a dermatologist.
You can also hasten the healing process by holding an ice pack against the affected area before applying hydrocortisone cream.
5. Eliminate Dairy From Your Diet
This is a tip for both prevention and treatment of acne. Dairy products, even the organic ones, have cow hormones that can stimulate the oil glands resulting in overproduction of oil in the skin which can clog the pores and may lead to acne. Because of this, you should try to eliminate dairy from your daily meal plans.
In addition to the milk in your latte (if you want to make your coffee creamier, we suggest that you opt for skim milk instead), you should also be aware of the hidden dairy ingredients in various packaged foods like protein bars, shakes and salad dressings.
Acne Scar Tips You Need to Know!
If there is one other thing that is more annoying than acne, it is the acne scars that are usually left behind. One way to prevent this is to avoid picking on your face when you have pimples. But if you have already done that and the damage is already there, then you need to find ways on how to get rid of acne scars and the best way to do this is to use a hydroquinone-based based cream that will help lighten the scars.
While the acne scars have not completely disappeared yet, the best thing that you can do is to find ways on how to conceal it and makeup is here to the rescue!
When choosing a concealer, make sure that it matches (or is at least, one shade lighter) than your natural skin tone. In addition to that, it is recommended that you apply foundation first before putting on concealer because the concealer tends to be removed when you apply foundation last. As the final tip, make sure to set everything (your concealer and foundation) with powder to ensure that it will last throughout the day. Problem solved!
Acne is a condition that no woman would ever want to experience but no matter how much you hate it, there will come the point in your life when you suffer from this condition, and if you wish to properly manage it, then you should keep in mind the tips and tricks that we have mentioned above.
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